
Thermal imaging

Did you know?

Thermography is a thermal imaging scan of the breast or thyroid, which can scan for abnormalities under the skin. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. 1 in every 8 American women will get breast cancer in her lifetime.

Approximately 1/3 of all breast cancers occur in women under 45.

75% of women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease.

How can thermography help me?

Thermography is intended to be used in addition to, not in lieu of, other imaging procedures. There are, however, many unique benefits to thermography. It is very low-impact, uses no radiation and poses absolutely no health risks to the patient. Scans may be performed with any necessary frequency and from the age of 20 on. Thermography does not encounter difficulty in scanning women who are nursing or have fibrocystic, large, dense or enhanced breasts, and can be used even in the case of a double mastectomy. Thermography also helps to confirm the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the breasts.


Thermography can be a very effective tool that can discover signs of precancerous tissue that are too small to be found using other preventative measures.

We understand that when it comes to a woman’s breast health, accuracy is paramount. Our software is medical-grade and used exclusively for this purpose. Our camera is the highest grade available and is correctly calibrated to the same temperature at all times. This ensures quality scans that provide the most accurate information possible!

Thermal imaging is a technique that utilizes infrared radiation to capture and visualize the temperature distribution of an object or a scene. By measuring the heat emitted by an object, thermographic cameras create images that reveal variations in temperature. This non-contact, non-destructive method provides valuable insights into the thermal patterns and behavior of a wide array of subjects.

How It Works

Thermographic cameras detect and measure the infrared radiation emitted by an object. These cameras contain infrared sensors that convert the heat energy into electrical signals, which are then translated into a visual representation. The resulting image, called a thermogram, displays different colors or shades that correspond to specific temperature ranges. By analyzing these thermograms, experts can identify potential issues, patterns, and anomalies that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Applications of Thermography

Thermography finds applications in numerous industries, proving to be an invaluable tool in various fields. Let’s explore some key sectors where thermography is extensively utilized:

Building and Energy Efficiency Thermography plays a crucial role in building inspections and energy efficiency assessments. By detecting heat loss, air leaks, or inadequate insulation, thermographic inspections help identify areas of energy inefficiency. This allows for targeted interventions to improve insulation, enhance energy conservation, and reduce utility costs.

Electrical Systems and Maintenance Thermography is widely employed in electrical systems to identify hotspots and potential electrical faults. By detecting abnormal heat patterns in electrical equipment, such as switchboards, transformers, or cables, thermography helps prevent failures, fires, and costly downtime. Regular thermographic inspections enable proactive maintenance, ensuring the reliability and safety of electrical systems.

Industrial and Mechanical Applications In industrial settings, thermography aids in the detection of faulty machinery, mechanical failures, or overheating components. By identifying temperature anomalies in motors, bearings, and other mechanical systems, thermography helps optimize maintenance schedules and avoid unexpected breakdowns. This proactive approach maximizes productivity, reduces repair costs, and minimizes operational disruptions.

Medical and Veterinary Diagnostics Thermography has found applications in medical and veterinary diagnostics, offering a non-invasive and radiation-free assessment of patients. It can assist in early detection of certain conditions, such as inflammation, circulatory disorders, or abnormal temperature patterns. By providing valuable thermal information, thermography complements traditional diagnostic tools, enhancing the accuracy of medical evaluations.